Collaborative Divorce Mental Health Professional (MHP) (voluntary and not covered by insurance plans)
Collaborative divorce is a peaceful, non-adversarial alternative to the traditional litigated approach. This process addresses the legal, financial and emotional concerns which accompany divorce by partnering couples with an interdisciplinary team of professionals who encourage strong communication, transparency, cooperation and respect.
One of the members of the team is the mental health professional. Functioning in the role of a divorce coach or a child specialist the mental health professional (MHP) serves as a neutral on the case, working to improve communication skills between spouses, assists in the management of emotions and facilitates the creation of a parenting plan and co-parenting strategy by the parties. During the collaborative process the divorce coach helps the parties manage the emotions in the room, clarify goals, and ultimately assist the parties in reaching agreements. At times if necessary the divorce coach may meet with the parties individually to assist in the resolution of issues the parties are finding particularly difficult.
Additional Services

Divorce Coaching
Divorce Coaching is a professional supportive educational service which assists individuals when considering divorce, in the process of a divorce or post-divorce. Divorce is a time of transition and transition means change.

Parent Coordination & Parent Facilitation
These services are child focused alternative dispute resolution processes that can be ordered by the court to address relationship issues between households that have risen as a result of divorce or separation.