Parent Coordination and Parent Facilitation (court ordered and not covered by insurance plans)
These services are child focused alternative dispute resolution processes that can be ordered by the court to address relationship issues between households that have risen as a result of divorce or separation. The goals of these services are very similar but do have important differences. Both services help parties identify areas of dispute and assist the parties in collaborative problem solving. The court must determine that the case is high conflict or that there is good cause shown for the appointment of a parenting coordinator or facilitator and that the appointment is in the best interest of any minor children in the suit. The parent coordinator or parent facilitator has many roles including identifying issues, clarifying priorities, reducing misunderstandings. The coordinator or facilitator also provides educational services such as teaching the parties about the impact of parental conflict, problem solving strategies, effective communication skills and conflict management skills. It is important to note that parent coordinators or facilitators do not modify any order, judgment or decree of the court.
A parent coordinator and parent facilitator may submit a written report to the court and to the parties at the order the court. If parent coordination is ordered then the report will only include a statement regarding whether the parent coordination services should continue whereas a report when parent facilitation is ordered may include the parties’ joint proposals or statements and recommendations. Facilitators also monitor compliance with court orders. If the parties are unable to settle issues, the facilitator may make recommendations to the court. These reports are presented to the parties and attorneys in the case. A parent facilitator may be required to testify in court.
Additional Services

Divorce Coaching
Divorce Coaching is a professional supportive educational service which assists individuals when considering divorce, in the process of a divorce or post-divorce. Divorce is a time of transition and transition means change.

Co-Parenting Services
There are primarily three co-parenting styles following divorce: cooperative, conflicted or disengaged. Cooperative co-parenting is often seen when parents have low conflict and both possess good communication skills.